Public involvement is an interactive process that allows stakeholders to offer important input on solutions that address the community’s concerns.
The Community Advisory Group – or CAG – is a group of volunteer stakeholders that represents the community and functions as a liaison between IDOT and the public. The CAG shares issues and concerns and identifies and evaluates potential alternatives and solutions.
CAG Meeting #5 (Virtual)
In the fifth CAG meeting, we provided an update on the project, reviewed the alternatives that were eliminated from further study and discussed the proposed preferred alternative.
CAG Meeting #4
In the fourth CAG meeting, we provided an update on the project, reviewed the alternatives evaluated and discussed with alternatives should be carried forward for further study and impact mitigation.
CAG Meeting #3
In the third CAG meeting, we shared the project’s Purpose & Need, reviewed alternatives, and discussed how the alternatives would be evaluated.
CAG Meeting #2
In the second CAG meeting, we reviewed the results of CAG #1 and refined the Problem Statement. We also discussed the Purpose and Need, established the project goals for the study, and began to identify improvements that fit within the framework and address the identified needs.
CAG Meeting #1
CAG members met for the first time to better understand their role in the IL 43 Phase I Study, and got to know the Project Study Team. The Project Study Team began listening to community, economic, and transportation issues and needs that should be addressed during the study.